SYMBIOREM is now part of the Alliance for Environmental Bioremediation, ALL4BIOREM

News // 5 December 2024

Networking activities, which aim to build links with other projects and allow partners to learn from stakeholders outside the consortium, are an essential part of EU-funded projects. They contribute to the discussion about projects’ learnings, the validation of project results, and the exchange on their policy implications.

SYMBIOREM partners strongly believe in the cooperation with related projects and initiatives committed to develop innovative bioremediation techniques and solutions that aim at decontaminating polluted environments.

For this reason, since the start of the project, we established a structured dialogue with the other EU-funded projects working on bioremediation and put in place a series of activities, to exchange knowledge, mutually promote and jointly disseminate the results of our projects.

In the first two years of the project, SYMBIOREM partners have organized and participated in sessions at several international events together with the sister projects funded by the EU on the subject of bioremediation: the BioRemid2023 Conference in Muttenz (Switzerland) in June 2023; the webinar EU Circular Talks on bioremediation, organized by the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform in September 2023; and the BioBio2024 Conference held in Prague in June 2024. These conferences have been an opportunity to showcase the synergies and the complementarities of the projects in developing solutions for healthier soils, cleaner groundwater, and better air quality through natural processes and microorganisms.

The collaboration between the projects goes beyond the organization of joint events and it has resulted in the official foundation of the cluster of EU-funded projects dedicated to bioremediation and techniques.

Together with the MIBIREM, BIOSYSMO, NYMPHE, EDAPHOS, and ISLANDR, we founded the Alliance for Environmental Bioremediation, ALL4BIOREM. This network aims at driving forward the collective effort of experts for the progress of bioremediation solutions as natural, effective, and sustainable ways to restore the quality and functionality of the environment. In the specific, the collaboration between the projects aims at strengthening the collective efforts towards:

  • Identifying pollution sources to better plan remediation efforts.
  • Supporting smarter investments by deepening knowledge of land and water pollution.
  • Validating bioremediation solutions for industrial application.
  • Integrating environmental data to unlock the potential of microbiome-based solutions.
  • Developing cost-effective approaches to address complex and challenging contamination cases.

We were supported in the creation of ALL4BIOREM by the Horizon Europe Results Booster service, by designing a fully-fledged visual identity for the cluster and developing an introductory video that presents the mission of the network, its members, and their contribution to EU policy.

The collaboration is now focused on planning the future joint events, starting from the European Bioremediation Conference 2025 taking place in Chania (Greece) in June 2025, and in the deepening of the discussion about the respective project activities.

The ALL4BIOREM network is constantly looking for opportunities to learn more and enrich its membership with new and stimulating projects that have the potential to provide additional knowledge and expertise. We have recently welcomed to ALL4BIOREM the newly funded pHYBI project, and in the upcoming months we will enlarge the membership to IASIS and LIFE Mysoil.

So, there are all reasons to stay tuned for more activities and more bioremediation projects to join the ALL4BIOREM family!

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